Barnsley College student creates official logo for Worsbrough Mill’s 400-year anniversary

A Barnsley College Graphic Design student has produced a logo design that will be used as part of the #WorsbroughMill400 celebrations.

Worsbrough Mill Museum and Country Park is one of the oldest working mills in the UK, dating back to 1625. To commemorate the mill’s 400-year anniversary, both first and second-year Graphic Design students at Barnsley College were challenged with creating a new logo design that could be used throughout 2025.

Working with young people in the borough to involve them in their local heritage is an important part of Barnsley Museums’ vision.

The students approached the brief with enthusiasm, with 27 designs being submitted. These were shortlisted to ten finalists, which were then presented to a judging panel that had the tough decision of selecting the winning design.

The judging panel included Councillor Roy Bowser, Charlotte Addams (Assistant Miller at Worsbrough Mill), Matthew Potter (Digital Marketing Assistant at Barnsley Council), and Hayley Allsopp (Barnsley College Vice Principal for Students).

Addison Batten’s design was selected as the winning logo, with Ronni Kelliltt and Jamie Gledhill receiving highly commended.

Addison’s logo will be used across all events and activities celebrating the mill’s anniversary, along with special edition items that will be available to purchase in the on-site shop.

When asked about his win, Level 3 Graphic Design student, Addison said: “I would like to sincerely thank Worsborough Mill for selecting me as the winner of Worsbrough Mill’s 400-year anniversary design competition. It is an immense honour to be part of such a significant milestone in the mill's history, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to contribute to its legacy.”

The judges stated: “We were incredibly impressed with the quality of the work students submitted as part of this project. Their creativity and response to the brief really captured the essence of this important milestone for Worsbrough Mill. It was certainly a tough task to choose the winner, but we are very excited to see Worsbrough Mill’s new 400-year anniversary logo being used throughout 2025 as part of the project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.”

Councillor Robin Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: “We received amazing submissions as part of this exciting project to recognise 400 years of Worsbrough Mill. The students showed innovation and demonstrated Worsbrough Mill’s history and heritage in wonderful ways. It was tough to pick a winner, but we’re delighted that a new logo will be used throughout this year to highlight the anniversary, with this project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund."