Learning Opportunities
The Covid Bounce-Back Programme was a 7-month business support programme focused on supporting organisations in Barnsley to recover from the impacts of Covid and helping them build their resilience. The Programme ran from September 2021 to March 2022.
The Programme had two strands, one dedicated to the Community and Voluntary Sector organisations based in Barnsley and the other dedicated to Culture, Creative and Visitor Sector. Barnsley Council commissioned Mutual Ventures, a public sector consultancy expert in supporting the growth and development of organisations in these sectors, to lead on the delivery of the Programme.
The Covid Bounce-Back Programme has been part of a wider initiative focused on supporting the short and medium-term Covid economic recovery within Barnsley. The initiative aims to make a post-pandemic Barnsley that is stronger, greener and fairer.
Overall, 60 organisations in Barnsley received support as part of the Covid Bounce Back Programme. Each organisation received dedicated, one-to-one coaching and mentoring support from industry experts as well as; workshops led by industry experts on a range of topics, deep-dive sessions designed to ‘get under the skin’ of specific challenges or organisational needs, knowledge sharing journals and a final networking and learning event.
The aim of the Covid Bounce-Back Programme has been to provide local organisations with the skills and knowledge to deliver their visions and create new opportunities, whilst improving resilience and safeguarding jobs.
“Every minute I’ve invested in the Bounce-Back Program has been worth it!”
Underneath the Stars

Find out more about the support delivered on the Covid Bounce-Back Programme and see resources available

Throughout the Covid Bounce-Back Programme, all 60 organisations were invited to attend expert-led workshops on a range of topics. These workshops aimed to provide organisations with the advice, tools, and skills to recover from the impacts of Covid, build their resilience and begin thinking about the future of their organisations.

Learning Journal
Three Learning Journals, dedicated to capturing learning from the Covid Bounce-Back Programme, were delivered between January 2022 and March 2022.

A Covid Bounce-Back Programme Learning Event was delivered on the 8th March, held in person at Barnsley Civic. The purpose of the event was to share and celebrate successes from the programme, to provide an opportunity for organisations to reflect on lessons learnt, and to encourage the continued development of a peer support network between Community and Voluntary Sector and Culture, Creative and Visitor Sector organisations within Barnsley.