Creativity and Wellbeing Week 2023

Following the success of Barnsley’s first Creativity and Wellbeing week held in May 2022, Barnsley’s Creative Health Partnership agreed to progress some of the priority areas identified during the week and through follow-up workshop sessions, with a focus on workforce and organisational development for practitioners working across health, social and creative sectors.
This report sets out the main content, themes and outcomes from several workforce development sessions held during Creativity and Wellbeing week 2023. These sessions aimed to explore how we embed creativity and wellbeing into workforce development for leaders, commissioners and creative practitioners, working with residents across the health and care sector.
Running alongside the professional workforce development sessions was a programme of creative activities which we promoted under the ‘Creativity and Wellbeing’ umbrella, to show the positive impact that taking part in creative pursuits can have on improving a person’s health and wellbeing. The report provides a flavour of some of the activities and offers customer feedback into public perceptions of Creativity and Wellbeing week, as well as giving an insight into the impact that the activities have made on people’s lives in the local community.
The evaluation arising from this report will help to inform future service delivery, using the learning to shape the direction of future Creativity and Wellbeing weeks.