Selecting a site
- When making a site selection decision for a physical artwork you should always start by considering who the target audience is and the perspective that the work will be experienced from.
- Consider -
- Is it on a key pedestrian route?
- Is it a community gathering point?
- Is it a key gateway?
- Will it support wayfinding?
- Will it enhance the local area?
- How does it link to wider placemaking?
- Will it encourage footfall, play or reflection or discourage anti-social behaviour (as appropriate - defending on aims of your project)?
- Is it accessible and safe to access?
- Are there any barriers, drainpipes, overhead cables, other services or street furniture that might interrupt views/ sight lines to the artwork. If so, is there the potential to move or relocate these items or would an alternative site work better?
- Is the site particularly exposed to the elements e.g. wind near large buildings/ next to water/ open spaces). This may impact on positioning and materials used/ durability etc.
- Would the pavement/ road need to be closed while the artwork is being installed? What permits/ licences are needed? The Council highways department can advise on this.
- If the installation or final artwork requires power, access to electricity should be considered from the start as this can be costly to install.
- You will need to confirm who owns the land, this can be done via an initial check with the Council’s asset management team. If required the Land Registry can also be contacted for details of the title. They may charge a small fee for this service.