Have a Egg-celent Easter!
Barnsley Museums have an eggcellent Easter planned with lots of eggciting activities happening in our five, free attractions.
We have everything from walks, sports and scavenger hunts to cooking, crafts, and storytelling for endless hours of fun.
Come and see us or download the activity sheets and enjoy!
Cannon Hall
Easter Trail in the Victorian Kitchens
Pine Cone Owl
(PDF, 1.18 MB)
Inspired by wildlife found at Cannon Hall Museum, Park and Gardens. Have a go at making your own owl out of a Pinecone, scrap paper and leaves.
Flower Stall
(PDF, 11.7 MB)
Have a go at creating your own still life, using a viewfinder to look closer to shapes.
Roll Up Role Play
(PDF, 4.83 MB)
Have you watched out market day film yet? Why not make your own role play market stall to play with at home?
Boxing Clever
(PDF, 5.53 MB)
Have a go at the boxing challenges in the activity sheet below and see what training to be a champion boxer is like.