Researching Art Engagement within Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse Communities in Barnsley

Barnsley Council’s Cultural Development Fund team are looking to commission a consultant to conduct a research project on Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities’ arts and culture engagement and delivery in Barnsley.

Deadline for applications: Monday 7th October 2024



Barnsley is a town in South Yorkshire, England, with a population of about 245,000. It has a rich industrial and cultural heritage, but also faces some challenges such as deprivation, unemployment, and low educational attainment. Barnsley Council is committed to improving the quality of life and well-being of its residents, and to fostering a sense of belonging and identity among its diverse communities.

One of our strategic priorities is to develop and promote Barnsley as a place of culture and creativity, and to increase the participation and engagement of its residents in arts and cultural activities. We recognise the value and potential of arts and culture as a catalyst for social change, community cohesion, and economic growth. We also acknowledge the importance of celebrating and showcasing the diversity and richness of Barnsley's cultural heritage, and of ensuring that arts and culture are accessible and inclusive for all.

However, the council also recognises that there are some gaps and barriers in the current provision and delivery of arts and culture in Barnsley, especially for Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities. According to the 2021 census, about 3.1% of Barnsley's population belong to Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities, which is lower than the national average. However, we expect that this proportion will increase in the future, as Barnsley becomes more diverse and multicultural.

The council is aware that Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley face some specific challenges and barriers in accessing and engaging with arts and culture, such as language, literacy, digital exclusion, discrimination, isolation, and lack of representation and visibility. We also acknowledge that the current arts and cultural offer in Barnsley does not fully reflect or respond to the needs, interests, and aspirations of Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities, and that there is a need to develop more diverse and inclusive arts and cultural programming and practices that celebrate and empower this cohort.


Aim and Objectives

We are looking to commission a consultant to conduct a research project on Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities’ arts and culture engagement and delivery in Barnsley.

The objectives of the research project are:

  • To map and analyse the current provision and delivery of arts and culture for Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley, and to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • To assess and understand the needs, interests, and aspirations of Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley in relation to arts and culture, and to explore the barriers and enablers that affect their access and engagement.
  • To review and evaluate the best practices and examples of Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse community art engagement and delivery from other local, regional, national, and international contexts, and to identify the key learning points and success factors.
  • To develop and propose a framework and a set of recommendations and actions for the council and its partners on how to improve and enhance Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse arts engagement and delivery in Barnsley, and to outline the expected outcomes and impacts.


Scope and Methodology

The research project will cover the following aspects of arts and culture in Barnsley:

  • The range and diversity of arts and cultural activities, events, programmes, and projects that are available and accessible for Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley, both in terms of the content and the format.
  • The level and quality of participation and engagement of Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley in arts and cultural activities, events, programmes, and projects, both as audiences and as creators, producers, and performers.
  • The extent and effectiveness of the representation and visibility of Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley in the arts and cultural sector, both as artists and as decision-makers, leaders, and influencers.
  • The impact and value of arts and culture for the Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley, in terms of their personal, social, and economic well-being, and their sense of belonging and identity.

The research project will adopt a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques, such as:

  • Desk-based research and literature review of relevant documents, reports, policies, and strategies
  • Focus group discussions and interviews with key stakeholders, this could include as Barnsley Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Team, Culture and Visitor Economy team, and Communities Team, Barnsley Refugee Council, and other relevant organisations and groups that work with or represent the Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley.
  • Case studies and benchmarking of other
  • In person research of current places and people delivering arts engagement in the borough with key groups.


Deliverables and Timeline

The research project will produce the following deliverables:

  • A research report that summarises the findings, analysis, and conclusions of the research project, and provides a framework and a set of recommendations and actions for the council and its partners on how to improve and enhance art engagement and delivery in Barnsley for communities that have been traditionally excluded.
  • A presentation and a workshop that share the key findings and recommendations of the research project with the council and its partners and facilitate a discussion and feedback session on the next steps and implementation plan.

Inception meeting with consultant to take place mid-October, with research project completion by the end of 2024 (more time may be available subject to the application detail).


Budget and Payment

The total budget for the research project is £5,000 inclusive of VAT and all expenses. The payment schedule will be as follows:

60% upon contract award and project initiation

30% upon submission of the research report and completion of the presentation and workshop

10% upon completion of the summary and dissemination plan


Selection Criteria

The consultant will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Relevant qualifications and/or experience in conducting research and consultancy projects on arts and culture, especially in relation to Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the arts and cultural sector and Black, Asian and Global Ethnic Majority/Ethnically Diverse communities in Barnsley and the wider context would be useful.
  • Proven track record and portfolio of delivering high-quality research and consultancy outputs and outcomes and providing practical and actionable recommendations and guidance.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and ability to engage and work with a diverse range of stakeholders and audiences.
  • Availability and capacity to deliver the research project within the specified timeline and budget.


Selection Process

The selection process will consist of the following steps:

1. Submission of an expression of interest (EOI), including:

  • A brief proposal that outlines the proposed approach and methodology
  • A budget and timeline
  • A CV that highlights the relevant qualifications and experience of the consultant.
  • If you would like to submit your EOI in alternative format such as video please get in touch to arrange

2. Shortlisting by the Storying Barnsley commissioning panel, based on the selection criteria.

3. If required, interviews with the shortlisted consultants to further discuss and assess their suitability for the research project.

4. Contract award and project initiation with the selected consultant.


The deadline for submission is Monday 7th October 2024, 11:59:40 UTC.

Expressions of interest should be sent to



This brief has been commissioned and funded by Barnsley Council’s Cultural Development Fund programme ‘Storying Barnsley’.


Access and inclusion  

Barnsley Museums believes everyone deserves access to museums and culture. We are committed to giving everyone the ability to enjoy our museums, green spaces, collections, online media, and events by removing barriers, fostering good relations between different people and advancing equality of opportunity. You can find out more about our access vision and work on our website 

We welcome applications from candidates from a wide variety of backgrounds and would be happy to discuss any adjustments you may require in order to apply for this commission or to complete the work. Please contact if you'd like to talk about this further. 

We ask that all work completed by artists, freelancers and contractors outlined in this brief is carried out with accessibility in mind. All work should follow the principal of universal design and be accessible to as wide a range of audiences as possible. Some examples of this would be: subtitles on all video footage, accessible fonts and colour schemes, wheelchair access to build works. Please contact if you'd like to talk about this in more detail in relation to the brief.