Goldthorpe Townscape

About the design

This project began in the autumn of 2022 with a collaboration between young people at the Dearne IKIC and a group of architecture students from The University of Sheffield. Together they built a ‘story den’; a space for telling, writing and recording stories.

Working with a growing network of creative practitioners in and around the Goldthorpe area, we delivered a series of workshops over the summer of 2023. The sessions explored a range of media: photography, textiles, sculpture and storytelling, twine-gaming and poetry which culminated in an exciting body of work all produced by the young people. 

The project was then developed further with a new cohort of Sheffield architecture students gathering this body of art, and working with the young people to produce a ‘digital townscape’ - an online platform that showcases all the joyful and thought-provoking pieces the young people have produced. This platform is a journey through Goldthorpe as the young people see it, looking at the town through their eyes, challenging negative perceptions of their generation, and giving them a chance to make their voices heard.

The platform has also served a valuable purpose as the pilot and inspiration for Principal Townscapes, a body of creative work by local artists, showcasing Barnsley's Principal Towns and Elsecar Heritage Centre through the eyes of their local community and residents.

View the full set of Townscapes here:

How to use the townscape

Can you find these scenes in the townscape?

About the artists

Along with the University of Sheffield Live Projects student cohort, this project was made possible due to the creativity and hard work of young people across Goldthorpe.

The website and digital townscape were created to showcase their work and make their voices heard. Without their enthusiasm throughout the process and their high level of involvement, the end result would not be as exciting, engaging or effective; the young people should be immensely proud of everything they have achieved.

It was supported by staff and volunteers of the Dearne IKIC and special thanks go to Jade Beever and Darryl Hand.

This project was commissioned and funded by Barnsley’s Cultural Development Fund programme ‘Storying Barnsley’ and the University of Sheffield Partnerships and Regional Engagement team.