
Depending on the nature of the work / installation, you may need to seek specific licences which may include:

Temporary Event Notice (TEN) -

If you want to carry out a licensable activity on unlicensed premises, you need to submit a temporary event notice (TEN).

Licensable activities include:

  • selling alcohol
  • serving alcohol to members of a private club
  • providing entertainment such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events
  • serving hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am

Installing apparatus in a highway 

For any new artworks installed within the ‘highway’, which can include pathways and land around vehicular highways, a Section 50 Licence must be obtained. This is to ensure that works are installed safely and will not create a threat to life for the public (pedestrians or in vehicles) and will ensure that the structures will mitigate risk to the public in the event of an accident such as a vehicle driving into it or extreme weather.

Work carried out in the highway will need to be supervised by qualified operatives holding a NRSWA card. All structural calculations must be designed in accordance with Eurocodes. When applying for this licence you must submit any necessary Traffic Management Plans to be delivered by qualified professionals alongside evidence of Public Liability Insurance, detailed risk assessment and installation methodology - this includes the implementation of any foundations ahead of the main installation. 

Street works licence application form - new apparatus 

Temporary Road Closures

Temporary road closures are possible if required to safely install works or deliver events. More information: 

Road licence - use of scaffolding/ hoardings

You must have a licence to erect scaffolding or hoarding on a road or pavement. 

Ascertaining Land or building ownership

You can seek details via the land registry site:

And Barnsley Council publish details of all their land and building assets which can be found here:  

Once the ownership of the building or land has been confirmed it is important to utilise a letter of agreement that outlines the detail of the artwork and any ongoing responsibilities such as maintenance etc.