We are now pleased to reveal the six creatives we will be supporting to work with our Barnsley communities to create socially-engaged art:
The artists selected for each town are:
- Wombwell: Izzy Dabiri, textile artist.
- Cudworth: Jayde Marie Bell (also known as Eye Violet), mural painter.
- Penistone: Lucy Burns, illustrator and mural painter.
- Goldthorpe: Tahir Shah, film producer, storyteller and director.
- Royston: Jack Riley, theatre and community arts practitioner.
- Hoyland: Thomas Palmer, sculptor and potter.
In partnership with Beam, a cultural development organisation working across the north of England, we have selected six South Yorkshire artists and creative practitioners. This is a unique chance for those chosen to explore and develop socially-engaged practice, which involves working closely with communities.
They will work with people in our Principal Towns of Cudworth, Hoyland, Penistone, Royston, Wombwell and Goldthorpe over the coming months to co-create new artwork, which will be showcased in public next year. The artists will be mentored by three experienced creatives: sculptor Dan Jones, theatre maker and creative facilitator Natalie Bellingham, and artist and curator Natasha Clarke.
**WATCH THIS SPACE** for details of ENGAGE / CREATE programme workshops in your area
What's On

Contribute to a new piece of textile art for Wombwell
As part of the project ENGAGE / CREATE, artist Izzy Dabiri and community members are creating textile art celebrating the place, the people and the stories of Wombwell. Have your say too!

Free clay sculpting workshop at Hoyland Market
Come and play with clay at Hoyland Market!
Sculptor Thomas Palmer is holding three free workshops where you can make a clay sculpture to be included in a time capsule. Join us on the 7th, 14th and 21st of Dec, no booking required.
Izzy Dabiri - Wombwell
Izzy’s practice in textiles stems from her background in theatre as a bespoke tailor.
She says: “I am interested in the ubiquity of textiles, the ‘everyday-ness’ of them, and how this can be utilised to facilitate communication, the sharing of deep histories, personal stories and creating sights of connection. Collaboration and my respect for makers are key. Drawing on collective textile traditions such as quilting and weaving, the idea that ‘many hands make one thing’ is central. My work is research-informed. I define research broadly, expansively seeing it in everything I do, from a song I hear, to an article I read, to learning with and from the different people I work with. I have many co-conspirators and I value them all. I want my work with others to be generative, flexible, and care filled, offering spaces of connection and creative expression.”
Of the ENGAGE / CREATE commission, Izzy said: “I am delighted to have been chosen for this supportive commission and am really looking forward to seeing what we co- create over the coming months.”
Izzy will be mentored by artist and curator Natasha Clarke.
Find out about Izzy’s work on Barnsley Council’s Black History Month celebrations
Jayde Marie Bell - Cudworth
Eye Violet, the artistic pseudonym of Jayde Bell, is an impassioned muralist who explores the intersections of culture and community through bursts of vibrantly coloured large-scale paintings.
Her works are storytelling tapestries that captivate the imagination, each mural telling a unique story of the people and places encountered throughout its creation.
Jayde’s portfolio reflects a commitment to social commentary, participation, cultural celebration, and grassroots philosophy.
Jayde said: “I am over the moon about being commissioned for Engage/ Create. I have rarely been offered art opportunities in the area I grew up. I feel it is a deeply meaningful opportunity to give some colourful and spirited artwork back to the areas that shaped me.”
Jayde will be mentored by artist and curator Natasha Clarke.
Lucy Burns - Penistone
Lucy creates vibrant illustrations and murals that tell the story of a place and its people, capturing their unique character through bold colours and botanical designs.
She said: “I am thrilled to be part of this opportunity to create artwork inspired by one of the principal towns of Barnsley. This project will allow me to develop my skills further, working collaboratively with new people and deepening my connection to the community. Being commissioned for this opportunity is a wonderful chance to bring Barnsley's spirit to life through art and connect with its history and people in a meaningful way.”
Lucy will be mentored by sculptor Dan Jones.
Find out more about Lucy’s work on her Instagram page
Tahir Shah - Goldthorpe
Tahir’s work as a writer and director has always centred around creating platforms for stories that challenge the status quo. He has worked extensively with communities that face various forms of marginalisation, including racial, economic, and social exclusion.
Tahir said: “My approach is rooted in the belief that storytelling, particularly through the lens of those who have lived through adversity, is a powerful catalyst for change. It’s about more than just representation; it’s about creating a dialogue that encourages empathy, understanding, and action. I am so happy to be one of six artists selected as part of this commission. Communities within Barnsley will have the opportunity to creatively share what matters to them most. As an artist, I believe that creativity should not exist in isolation but rather in collaboration with the communities it seeks to represent and inspire. My work is driven by the desire to use storytelling as a vehicle for social change, particularly in amplifying the voices of those who are often marginalised or overlooked.”
Tahir will be mentored by theatre maker and creative facilitator Natalie Bellingham.
Jack Riley - Royston
Jack Riley's journey into the world of arts began with a deep-seated passion from an early age. His immersion in the field took a significant turn at The Electric Theatre, where he delved into production arts, specialising in Stage Management. Establishing meaningful connections with theatres such as The Barnsley Civic, Lamproom, Sheffield Theatres, and Leeds Playhouse, Jack showcased his expertise in the intricate workings of stagecraft. Enrolling in CAPA College to study Acting for Stage and Screen, Jack took his performances on the road, touring Yorkshire schools and delivering impactful shows and workshops, notably addressing immigration issues. Furthering his education, he pursued studies in Applied Theatre and Community Drama at The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. Jack's versatility extends beyond academia, seamlessly transitioning into the realms of television and film. He lent his acting skills to notable projects by renowned entities like the BBC and ITV, including standout contributions to 4 O'Clock Club, Moorside, Nike: The Switch, Ann, Emmerdale, and I Saw The Light.
He said: “I’m an applied theatre and community arts practitioner, and I love working with community groups to create meaningful work that reflects their experiences and lives. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate as part of Engage/ Create and to gain new skills along the way.”
Jack will be mentored by theatre maker and creative facilitator Natalie Bellingham.
Thomas Palmer - Hoyland
Thomas’s art practice is based around the ideas of society, reality, marketing, and being the change that you want to see in the world. He works primarily as a sculptor and enhance my work with digital images, video and installations.
Thomas said: “My practice, like Perseus’s use of a mirrored shield, is an attempt to reflect mediated information and the unreality of filtered objects back onto the viewer in a hope that they will be disgusted. What I mean by this, is not that I see myself as some sort of hero to society, but if our constructed reality increasingly looks bleak, maybe a better option would be to try and change things rather than retreating into a constructed world. I am absolutely over the moon to be accepted for the ENGAGE / CREATE commission and mentoring programme. I can't wait to connect with the local community, share what I know through workshops and create an engaging piece of artwork with and for the people of Hoyland.”
Thomas will be mentored by sculptor Dan Jones.
More information about the project
Cllr Robin Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: “Selecting the talented artists we want to take forward this exciting project is an exciting moment. We want everyone in Barnsley to have the opportunity to grow and develop their skills and to enjoy memorable cultural experiences. I can’t wait to see how the artists inspire people in our communities and what wonderful artwork they can create together.”
Frances Smith, Principal Consultant for Beam, said: “We’re delighted to be working with the Storying Barnsley team to build on their impressive work with artists and communities across Barnsley to date, to develop this artist development opportunity. We’re excited to work with our team of six inspiring artists, matched with their three experienced mentors, to guide and support them as they develop new approaches to working with communities as part of their artistic practice, across the six principal towns.”
ENGAGE / CREATE is part of Barnsley Council’s Storying Barnsley programme, which aims to celebrate the stories and heritage of Barnsley and its people through creative and cultural activities.
We opened the commission up to South Yorkshire-based creatives from all disciplines, including visual arts, performing arts, music, film, digital media and literature.
The programme will see the chosen artists receive mentoring and support from Beam and other experts in the field of socially-engaged practice.
Artwork produced will span a broad range of art forms and be developed through community participation and collaboration.
During the process, artists will have the chance to reflect on their progress, both individually and with their mentors and peers, in order to inform their future practice.
ENGAGE / CREATE is part of the Storying Barnsley CDF2 programme and is being developed and delivered by Beam.