Storying Goldthorpe Creative Workshops
Over the summer of 2023, young people of the Dearne IKIC Centre (I Know I Can) and Astrea Academy Dearne took part in a series of creative workshops to explore the themes of identity and place. The workshops were delivered by local creative practitioners and were part of ‘Storying Barnsley’, the Cultural Development Fund engagement project.
Click to read more about the workshops

The Storying Chair
with Dan Jones

with Eloise Unerman

with Sam Batley

Creative Writing
with Eloise Unerman

with Charlotte Fairclough
This workshop programme was funded by Barnsley Council's Cultural Development Fund programme 'Storying Barnsley'.
It was supported by staff and volunteers of the Dearne IKIC and special thanks go to Jade Beever and Darryl Hand who made the sessions a reality.